There is something about the combination of salty roasted peanuts and sweet, gooey caramel. Does that remind you of anything? Probably your childhood, when Payday candy bars were all the rage. You may not get to eat them very often anymore, but you might still crave them from time to time. Don’t we all!
You can make your own Payday candy bars at home with relative ease. You only need a couple of ingredients, a baking dish, and a fridge. That’s right, you don’t even need to use the oven! Who knows, homemade Payday bars may end up tasting even better than the store-bought version.

How to make Homemade Payday Candy Bars?
Melt butter and peanut butter chips in a saucepan over medium heat until smooth.

Off the heat, add condensed milk, vanilla extract, and marshmallows to the mix and stir until incorporated.

Grease a baking dish.

Spread roasted peanuts over the bottom of the baking dish.

Pour the mixture over the peanuts.

Sprinkle more roasted peanuts on top.

Refrigerate until it sets.

Cut into smaller pieces and enjoy!

What are real Payday bars made from?
The major ingredients in a real Payday bar are peanuts, sugar, corn syrup, milk, and vegetable oil. In our recipe, the sweetness comes from condensed milk and marshmallows. There is no need for oil when you’re making Payday bars at home.

Are Payday bars healthy?

No. Payday bars contain loads of peanuts, which are not bad for you, in moderation. However, they’re also very high in sugar and artificial ingredients, including corn syrup. Those have been linked to diseases like diabetes and obesity. Homemade Payday bars are significantly less bad for you, but they’re not considered a healthy snack.
Is a Payday the same as a Snickers?
The two candy bars are similar and often compared. Both contain peanuts and caramel. Snickers bars also feature chocolate and nougat, making them an even less healthy option than Payday bars.